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Vivid and beautiful colours of new titanium chrome . Depending of background that you apply- you will get different effect of colours.


Apply color gel on nail ( black, nude, red, even neon , depending of colour that you use ), cure and apply ULTRA VIOLET SHINE , cure for appr 30 sec in comby ( uv-led lamps ). Max curing time is 60 sec . Apply chrome with applicator or glove and in circular movement apply it over top coat. Also polish it for an extra mirror effect with smooth side of applicator . Gentle clean the excess of powder with soft nail brush . You can close it with any top coat , we recommend thicker for an extra protection . Be carefull that there is no dust or powder left on nail or on brush of top coat , because you will loose “mirror” effect . Close the free edges very carefully , buff it a little bit and apply only on free edge of the nail non aciid primer and protect whole nail with thick top coat .

TIP : if you want really hard colour and mirror , apply chrome 2 times : color, violet top coat , chrome , again violet top coat , chrome and final top coat .

Chrome Titanium Violet 0,3gr


    Prices incl. VAT

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